Chapter 7, Note 79 (pages 161 and 259)
In many cases, their dances were the only thing about Yaquis known to the general Arizona and US public. (p. 161)
Chapter 7, Note 79 . . . for sources and discussion of the 1930s national coverage and continued regional coverage of Yaqui festivals. (259)
The shear breadth and depth of this coverage is impressive, and worth listing to demonstrate how widespread publicity concerning Yaqui dances was. Furthermore, it underscores how their pageantry was often the singular identifiable public marker assigned to them. Many of these reports would come in waves during the weeks preceding and following the Passion plays, often building off syndicated reports, but each stressing different details. The titles of many articles and publications indicate a fascination with Yaquis as a cultural curiosity and oddity. The following represent a small cross-section of the many more articles representing this public Yaqui presence. . In many cases, these were paired with near-identical syndicated reports across the country. It may also be recognized that for much of the country, interest in Yaqui ceremonies flourished in the 1930s, but waned in following years. Interest in the more immediate Arizona environs continued unabated.
Consider the following:
- “Yaqui Indians to Present Passion Play at Pascua Village Near City,” Arizona Daily Star, undated, 1923, 15, 19.
- “Yaqui Indians of Arizona to Give Passion Play,” Casa Grande Dispatch, February 8, 1923, 7.
- “Thousands Attend Ceremonial Dance of Yaqui Indians,” Casa Grande Dispatch, April 6, 1923, 2.
- Phoebe M. Bogan, “The Yaqui Indian Dances,” Progressive Arizona 2:5 (May, 1926): 21-23, 35.
- M.K. Stewart, “Dances of the Yaqui Indians at Easter Time,” Progressive Arizona 6:3 (March, 1928): 13, 33-34.
- Bert H. Leonard, “Again the Yaqui,” The Independent 118 (February 26, 1927): 235-6.
- “Half Christian Ceremonies are in Indian Ritual,” Dunkirk Evening Observer (New York), April 17, 1930, 15.
- “Indians Start Long Dance with Pageant Depicting Holy Week, Easter Rites,” Wisconsin State Journal (Madison), April 17, 1930, 7.
- “Yaqui Indians Stage Weird Age-Old Rites,” Syracuse Herald (New York), April 17, 1930.
- “Death Dance is Held by Indians,” Altoona Mirror (Pennsylvania), April 19, 1930.
- Bernice Cosulich, “A Yaqui Passion Play in Arizona,” Travel 56 (March, 1931), 35-38, 54-55.
- “Yaquis Burn Judas Effigy in Aboriginal Easter Fete,” Oakland Tribune, April 5, 1931.
- Rafael Carlos Estrada, “Historical Account of the Yaqui Indian,” 1932 pamphlet, Spicer Papers, ASM, Subgroup 8, Box 5, Folder 275.
- “A 400-Year-Old Passion Play – Staged by Indian Braves,” Salt Lake Tribune, April 14, 1935.
- “Passion Drama by Yaquis: Refugee Mexican Indians in Arizona Enact the Capture of Christ,” New York Times, April 5, 1936.
- “Yaquis to Launch Holy Week Dances: Exiles will Interpret Passion of Christ,” Albuquerque Journal, April 13, 1938.
- “Yaqui Elder Resent Change,” Arizona Daily Star, December 12, 1939.
- “Yaqui Processional set this Afternoon,” Tucson Daily News, March 20, 1942, 12.
- “Indian Girls Put on Tribal Dance Tonight,” Tucson Daily Citizen, April 16, 1943.
- “Rev. Stoner to Speak on Yaqui Rites,” Tucson Daily Citizen, March 9, 1945, 14.
- “Epidemic Hits Pascua Easter Ceremonials,” Tucson Daily Citizen, April 13, 1946, 1.