Chapter 10, Note 76 (pages 216 and 276)
Tribal recognition and reservation lands had opened doors for future Yaqui well-being but had not assured prosperity. (p. 216)
Chapter 10, Note 76 . . . for sources and discussion on these legal battles. (p. 277)
Passed as Public Law 97-386 in 1982, the much needed expansion for some 600 new home sites was opposed by some in the Tucson region. Joseph R. Cesare, who had fought against the 1964 establishment of New Pascua Village raised his familiar voice against further federal expenditure on the Yaquis behalf. Broader Tucson resentment is palpable in newspaper reports as well.[1] A similar opposition emerged in 1998 when the Pascua Yaqui Tribe attempted to extend reservation trust status to 23 acres it owned in Guadalupe. While these efforts expanded the reservation’s land base, Yaquis in Old Pascua and other outlying non-reservation Yaqui settlements faced considerable hardships. Tribal recognition and reservation lands had opened doors for future Yaqui prosperity, but had not assured them.[2]
[1] Joseph R. Cesare to John Fritz (Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Indian Affairs), September 27, 1982, Udall Papers, UASC, Subgroup 3, Series 1, Box 621, Folder 13; and Sheila Caudle, “Yaquis may have to pay going rate for new land,” Tucson Citizen, September 24, 1982.
[2] Stephanie Innes, “Town Fighting Yaqui Expansion,” Tucson Citizen, January 14, 1998; Stephanie Innes, “Town, tribe try to agree on use of disputed land,” Tucson Citizen, March 24, 1998; Stephanie Innes, “Appeals hold up Yaqui expansion,” Tucson Citizen, April 5, 1999; “Mark Kimble, “Old Pascua Indians too poor to help?” Tucson Citizen, February 1, 1979; and Gene Varn, “Yaquis in Tucson facing eviction,” Arizona Republic, October 30, 1989.