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Indigenous Immigrants and Refugees in the North American Borderlands by Brenden W. Rensink, Texas A&M Press, 2018

Chapter 10, Note 18 (pages 203 and 272)

Udall told Valencia that there was a “good chance” a bill could be passed in Congress to provide the land for Yaqui resettlement, and the CPHC sprang into action to capitalize on his apparent optimism. (p. 203)

Chapter 10, Note 18 . . . for sources and discussion of the divided response from Tucsonans concerning the plan. (p. 272)


  • Marge Kuehlthau, “Yaquis Take First Step to New Village,” Tucson Daily Citizen, October 29, 1962
  • “Inspection Trip Made: Tucson’s Yaquis Seek Land for New Village,” Arizona Daily Star, October 30, 1962
  • Gertrude E. Mason,  “A Home For Yaquis [editorial],” Tucson Daily Star, November 1, 1962
  • Eleanor Rice, “Yaqui Indian Tribesman Are Determined to Keep Their Identity, Culture, Religion,” Arizona Daily Star, November 4, 1962
  • “Yaquis were Political Refugees [editorial],” Arizona Daily Star, November 12, 1962, 12.